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Ai Piedi di Monte Adone


Via Monte Adone 19
40036 Brento di Monzuno (Bo)


+39 3395466623


Ci trovi qui:


The b&b Ai piedi di Monte Adone is located in Brento (Monzuno) along the Via degli Dei, that joins Bologna and Florence, two cities rich in history and culture. It is a quiet and peaceful place. The property consists of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. One room has a private bathroom, while the other two share a bathroom. The entrance is independent. Clean linen is provided. In the bathrooms you will find hair dryer, shower gel. Weather permitting, breakfast is served outside. The b&b offers the characteristic hospitality of a family-run business.


6 beds, 3 bedrooms, possibility of adding 1 single bed

Availability to pick up and drop off customers near the route

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