Via Flaminia militare

It is not easy to tell the story of the Via Flaminia Militare to those who have not had the good fortune to meet the two discoverers, Cesare Agostini and Franco Santi.
Because the Via Flaminia Militare is many things at once:
- it is an ancient connecting road;
- it is the road built by the Romans in 187 B.C. that, through Fiesole, connected Bologna to Arezzo;
- it is a historical discovery as important as it is discussed by some in Bolognese academia;
- it is the discovery of a Roman coin among the sandstone quarries of Monte Bastione;
- it is a place of community, which has seen the commitment, before, during and after the excavations, of an entire territory to safeguard it;
- it is one of the most exciting points of interest on the Via degli Dei that rarely leaves those who plow the Roman cobblestones indifferent;
But above all:
- it is the story of two friends, Franco Santi and Cesare Agostini, archaeologists by passion, who searched, dug and fought tenaciously to confirm their hunches, born from the tales of the village elders, who handed down that there was a Roman road on the mountain.
So, instead of writing you the history of the Flaminia Romana, we ask you to stop for a moment, before or after your departure, to listen to Caesar's words and his tale: