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Badolo - Brento - Monzuno - 
Madonna dei Fornelli

Length: 28 km 

Difference in altitude: +1460 m; -1038 m 

Time: 9.50 h  


Once you arrive in Brento, you can stop at the sport center (with services, bars and a restaurant) where you can rest before the long stretch that connects Brento to Monterumici and then Monzuno.


We just point out that between Monterumici and Monzuno some stretches of the path are being set up and now, for safety, it is better to take the paved road.
From Monzuno up to Florence there are no reports of major difficulties but only small landslides that can be overcome.
All the variants are already indicated by new CAI signs.


Once in Monzuno (refresh and rest, it can also be an excellent alternative as a stopping point if you walk it in 6 days), from Piazza XXIV Maggio continue on the paved road towards Madonna dei Fornelli, pass the junction for Loiano and go towards the sport fields where, turning right, you will take a large uphill cart track. After about 20 minutes you will reach the “ Campagne ” location where the CAI 019 - VD route is signposted.

Cross (CAI path n. ° 19) a gate in a beautiful chestnut wood until you reach the Telecom repeater already identified the day before from Monte Adone.  From here, follow the dirt road to the houses of Le Croci. Short climb up to Monte Galletto and then on a dirt road you will reach Madonna dei Fornelli (about 3 hours from Monzuno).


pasticceria della piazza sasso marconi  (7).jpg

Hospitality: where to sleep, where to eat, all the services from Brento to Madonna dei Fornelli

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